The Change of Seasons


In case your wondering about the picture in the heading, this is my view this morning as I write this edition of the blog. I am on vacation getting some much needed R&R durring these winter months!

We are nearing the winter soltice and here in the norther hemisphere that means the shortest day of the year is on the horizon. It happens to be my favorite day of the year. I relish the promise of longer days, warmer temps. and the flora and fauna in full swing.

When seasons shift it is a signal to us to change our activities. Fall is preperation, winter is for reviewing or taking stock and spring is for gearing up. With fall and winter, we move from full blown dead heading and feeding to letting our gardens rest. To me, this means wrapping up the rest of my gardening work for the year and tucking plants in to bed for the Winter. I often have a hard time controlling myself durring this time. I want to jump in feet first starting my tomatoes too early and scanning the garden for flowers not even thinking about peaking the pretty little heads out just yet. Learning to appreciate the down time is a process, a journey I am still on! Booking less things in my schedule makes room to be thankful forthe abundance experienced in the past year. Durring these months, I am trying to stick with the following mantra: review, correct & plan. In the fall I review what has happened this past year and how to help it finish with a bang. In Winter I correct those things that need work, be happy with those things that are perfect just as they are and work to heal those parts of me that are hurting . In late winter early spring I prepare for the upcomming year with new ideas and plans, new excersise to help increase my strength and endurance.

For the past few months i have been tidying up my home and finishing up all the oil infusion bases I know I will need in the spring. Releasing the ones that no longer serve has been a big lesson to listening to my inner voice and not rush a process. With that in mind, I have also been working on my meditation skills and yoga practice to help streach out the worn body and restore the mind. I am often in the tub at night basking in the aroma of herbs and oils to help resotre my mind and body. One of my fav's is:!product-page/cyb8/f8d6e8e1-9a2-550-2474-2e82b76c80e3

I love the scent of lavender, peppermint and rosemary! it is just what I need after a long fall day in the garden. It has a way of releasing tight muscles and relaxing the mind that I just can not do without.

Another product I use alot this time of year is muscle salve. I use it pre workout and yard work to help me move easier and more freely. Having been made from a base or Arnica, Confrey and Cayenne, it warms up the tissues relieves minor aches and paines and allows me to continue to put in hard hours preping for winter without the painful side effects.!product-page/cyb8/040fbc74-9515-8480-de11-0062910d9108


It is here that I sit, thankful for all that life has brought me in the last year and looking forward to another just around the corner. A time when my friends, (the flowers and herbs), and I will once again enjoy a magical meeting of the minds!

UncategorizedSandra Limbach